Professor of Computational Biology
University of Lausanne
Robinson develops and applies statistical methodology for large human phenotype-genotype datasets to address questions in population, quantitative, and medical genetics. His current work focuses on improved testing for sex-, age-, or environment-specific genetic effects, quantifying maternal genetic and social genetic effects, and investigating the role of genetic interactions between microbial and host genotype in shaping phenotype in the human population. He has recently published “Genotype-covariate interaction effects and the heritability of adult body mass index.” Nature Genetics 49:1174, 2017.
Professor of Computational Biology
University of Lausanne
Robinson develops and applies statistical methodology for large human phenotype-genotype datasets to address questions in population, quantitative, and medical genetics. His current work focuses on improved testing for sex-, age-, or environment-specific genetic effects, quantifying maternal genetic and social genetic effects, and investigating the role of genetic interactions between microbial and host genotype in shaping phenotype in the human population. He has recently published “Genotype-covariate interaction effects and the heritability of adult body mass index.” Nature Genetics 49:1174, 2017.