Research Scientist in the Genetic Analysis Center
University of Washington
Sanne received MSc degrees in Applied Mathematics from Delft University of Technology and in Forensic Science from the University of Amsterdam. Her research interests are focused on the intersection of statistics, forensics, and public health genetics. Currently she is investigating the impact of NGS forensic data on DNA evidence evaluations. Her most recent publication is “Analyzing population structure for forensic STR markers in next generation sequencing data.” FSI: Genetics (49), 2020.
Research Scientist in the Genetic Analysis Center
University of Washington
Sanne received MSc degrees in Applied Mathematics from Delft University of Technology and in Forensic Science from the University of Amsterdam. Her research interests are focused on the intersection of statistics, forensics, and public health genetics. Currently she is investigating the impact of NGS forensic data on DNA evidence evaluations. Her most recent publication is “Analyzing population structure for forensic STR markers in next generation sequencing data.” FSI: Genetics (49), 2020.