The 10th Summer Institute in Statistics for Big Data

Module 4: Unsupervised Methods for Statistical Learning

Wed, August 21 to Fri, August 23
All 2024 SISBID courses are offered online only.


In this module, we will present a number of unsupervised learning techniques for finding patterns and associations in Biomedical Big Data. These include dimension reduction techniques such as principal components analysis and non-negative matrix factorization, clustering analysis, and network analysis with graphical models.

We will also discuss large-scale inference issues, such as multiple testing, that arise when mining for associations in Biomedical Big Data. As in Module 4 on supervised learning, the main emphasis will be on the analysis of real high-dimensional data sets from various scientific fields, including genomics and biomedical imaging. The techniques discussed will be demonstrated in R.

This course assumes some previous exposure to linear regression and statistical hypothesis testing, as well as some familiarity with R or another programming language (see previous year’s materials as reference).

Recommended ReadingJames et al. (2013) Introduction to Statistical Learning. Springer Series in Statistics. Available for free download at