The use of Bayesian methods in genetics has a long history. This introductory module begins by discussing introductory probability. It then describes Bayesian approaches to binomial proportions, multinomial proportions, two-sample comparisons (binomial, Poisson, normal), the linear model, and Monte Carlo methods of summarization. Advanced topics include hierarchical models, generalized linear models, and missing data. Illustrative applications will include: Hardy-Weinberg testing and estimation, detection of allele-specific expression, QTL mapping, testing in genome-wide association studies, mixture models, multiple testing in high throughput genomics.
Suggested pairing: Module 8: Statistical Genetics
Learning Objectives: After attending this module, participants will be able to:
- Understand the roles, in principle, of Bayesian analysis of prior, likelihood and posterior, and how these differ from default frequentist approaches.
- Apply these principles to simple conjugate analyses, e.g. beta-binomial, Dirichlet-multinomial and Normal-Normal, interpreting their output in analysis of genetic data.
- Understand the principles of how numeric calculations are done to evaluate the posterior in low and fixed-dimensional modeling, including MCMC and INLA.
- Use standard packages to implement MCMC and INLA-based analysis of low and fixed-dimensional problems, emphasizing their use in genetic analyses.
- Understand Bayesian interpretations/justifications for multiple testing, with application to high-throughput genetics.
- Understand Bayesian interpretations/justifications for model-averaging, with application to genetic analyses.
Understand Bayesian interpretations/justifications for meta-analysis and other forms of evidence synthesis, with application to genetic analyses.