The goal of the Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics (SISG) is to strengthen the statistical and genetic proficiency and career preparation of scholars from all backgrounds, especially those from groups historically underrepresented in STEM such as racial and ethnic minority groups, low income, first generation college students, veterans, and differently abled and 2SLGBTQ groups. SISG now invites applications for scholarships from graduate students at US institutions (please note postdocs are not eligible for SISG scholarships).
Scholarship recipients will have registration costs provided for up to three modules (total, not per institute). Each recipient will be assigned a faculty mentor from among the SISG instructors, matched to their research interests. Recipients will be expected to attend individual meetings with their mentors during the week of July 26-30, and to attend roundtable discussions about career planning, publication and grant strategies led by experts in those fields and by SISG alumni.
Scholarship applications should include a statement from the applicant’s academic advisor that states: (1) the benefit to the applicant’s graduate program of attendance at SISG; (2) that the SISG modules being applied for are not available at the applicant’s institution, and (3) that attendance at SISG by the applicant would be less likely without scholarship support.
We recommend completing your application in one session. If this is not possible, be sure to submit your information before closing your browser. You may then access your application through your dashboard. When you have completed your application click SUBMIT and the system will give you the opportunity to review your application. Once you have reviewed your application please click SUBMIT again to file your application.
Please do not register for modules that you request in your scholarship application. If you are awarded a scholarship, you will receive unique codes to use to register for modules.
For questions see the FAQ section or email