Participant Information

If you have a question that is not covered on this page or in general information, please contact us

Course Schedule


  • All SISCER courses will be held online only.

  • The schedule for each day’s online session is 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Pacific (11:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. Eastern),

  • Exceptions:

    • Module 3: Design, Conduct, and Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials with Time-to-Event Primary Endpoints consists of pre-recorded content (approximately 14 hours) plus three live sessions to discuss module material and case studies 10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. on July 16, 17, and 19.

    • Module 11: Analyzing Data from Complex Surveys will be held 1-4:30 p.m. Pacific (4-8:30 p.m. Eastern)

  • Registrants are allowed to take SISCER courses concurrent with other modules.


  • All SISBID courses will be held online only.

  • The schedule for SISBID courses that start on Monday:

    • Monday: 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Pacific (11 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Eastern)

    • Tuesday: 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Pacific (11 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Eastern)

    • Wednesday: 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. Pacific (11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Eastern)

  • The schedule for SISBID courses that start on Wednesday:

    • Wednesday: 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Pacific (2:30-5:30 p.m. Eastern)

    • Thursday, 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Pacific (11 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Eastern)

    • Friday, 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Pacific (11 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Eastern)

Course Instruction and Materials

  • A few days prior to the start of a module, instructors will post course information—or a link that leads to course information—to the module description web page.

  • You may access course materials through your dashboard or by logging in and navigating to the module description page.

  • To access your dashboard, click LOGIN in the upper right of any page on the Summer Institutes website and enter the user name and password you used to register. 

  • Note: some courses may include prerecorded information for participants to view prior to the start of the course. Only registrants with completed orders may access course materials. If have questions about your order or experience difficulties accessing materials, please contact Deb Nelson at

Teaching Platforms


  • All live lecture sessions will be recorded and links posted to the module website or Slack channel as soon as possible after instruction has concluded each day. Zoom breakout rooms will not be recorded. Recordings will be available to participants through October 1, 2024. They may be viewed but not necessarily downloaded. The decision whether to allow downloading is up to individual instructors who own the course content.

  • Links for Zoom sessions will be included in the course materials and/or posted to the module Slack channel a day or so prior to the start of the course. You do not need to have a Zoom account in order to attend a live session.

  • For the best educational experience, we highly recommend that you use a computer to participate in the Summer Institutes, with a tablet as a second choice, and smartphone as the third. Some past participants have found it useful to use two devices (e.g., one for lecture slides and another to view a dataset and exercise).


  • Each module will use a Slack channel where instructors will post messages, links, resources, etc., and where participants can ask questions.

  • We will upload registrants to Slack channels approximately five business days prior to the start of a course. An email invitation to join Slack will be sent to the email address listed on your registration (see Slack information on how to accept the invitation and get started).

  • If you do not receive a Slack invitation, please check your spam and junk folders as well as your network settings (employer and institutional firewalls sometimes block invitations).

  • If you are registered for a module but don’t see it on your Slack dashboard, navigate to Add channel then select Browse channels to see if you find the module. Note each institute has its own Slack workspace so if, for example, you registered for both a SISCER and a SISBID module, you will need to sign into the SISCER Slack workspace for the SISCER module and the SISBID Slack workspace for the SISBID module.

  • Slack automatically deletes messages and files older than 90 days so be sure to archive any links/documents/conversations you wish to refer to later.

Certificates of Completion

  • After a module has ended and you have completed the online course evaluation, you will be able to download a Certificate of Completion for that module from your dashboard (the module evaluation will appear on your dashboard after a course has concluded).

  • Note: After you complete the last module in an institute, the evaluation will include module and the overall institute questions (i.e., proceed through both sets of questions to generate the final certificate of completion).

  • Certificates are generated through the registration system and occasionally names and module titles lose their formatting. If this happens, please email and we will get you a corrected copy.

Module Changes

  • Module change requests must be made at least seven business days prior to the start of a module.

  • Change requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will depend on space availability and other criteria.

  • If you wish to change modules, please submit a change request to Include your name, order number, module(s) you wish to drop, and module(s) you wish to add.

Refund Policy

  • Canceling a credit card payment, including changing payment from credit card to invoice or UW budget number, will result in the following cancellation fees:

  • Cancellations made on or before June 15 will be subject to a $70 processing fee.

  • Cancellations made June 16 to June 30 will be subject to a $100 processing fee.

  • No SISCER refunds will be processed after June 30 and no SISBID refunds after July 31.

Code of Conduct

  • All persons—including Summer Institutes participants and instructors—are expected to comply with the UW Biostatistics Conduct Policy. This includes both in-person and online interactions.

  • In compliance with the University of Washington (UW) Policies, the Department of Biostatistics expects members of our community to actively create and maintain an atmosphere in which personal respect and intellectual growth are valued and the free expression and exchange of ideas are encouraged for all.