Module dates/times: Monday, July 23; 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m.; Tuesday, July 24, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., and Wednesday, July 25, 8:30 a.m.-Noon
This model covers the basic statistical and genetic methods leading to likelihood ratios (LRs) for the presentation of genetic evidence. It provides the background necessary for using analysis results from packages such as CODIS Popstats.
This module also:
- Describes forensic STR markers: mutation process, genotyping technology, and electropherogram artifacts particularly new considerations for back, forward, double back stutter and exotics.
- Reviews principles of population genetics, and measurement of relatedness.
- Covers general principles of evidence evaluation using LRs, computing LRs for identification using presence/absence of autosomal STR genotypes and for mitochondrial and Y-chromosome markers.
- Addresses the complications of mixture interpretation when the queried contributor is a relative of true contributor.
- Describes the consequences of database searches.
- Discusses briefly probabilistic interpretation of STR profiles.
- Provides information about new molecular techniques for human identification.
The module is suitable for graduate students in population genetics, forensic science practitioners, and lawyers facing DNA evidence.
Sanne Aalbers is a Research Scientist in the Genetic Analysis Center at the University of Washington. She received degrees in Applied Mathematics from Delft University of Technology and in Forensic Science from the University of Amsterdam. She has worked on financial crime analytics, for Deloitte Forensic. At the University of Washington she derived ROC curves for familial DNA database searching, and developed match probabilities for Y-STR profiles. Currently she is developing new stutter models for NGS forensic data.
Bruce Weir is Professor of Biostatistics and Director of the Institute of Public Health Genetics at the University of Washington. He is a member of the Biology/DNA Scientific Area Committee of the NIST/NIJ OSAC organization. He develops statistical analysis methods for the interpretation of forensic genetic profiles. He is co-author of “Interpreting DNA Evidence,” Sinuaer, 1998. His recent forensic publications include “Population-specific FST values: A worldwide survey.” Forensic Science International: Genetics 23:91-100, 2016.
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